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DesignEd Asia Conference 2012
HKDC Awards cum
10th Anniversary Gala Dinner
Pure Land: Inside the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang
YIC Design Exchange
BIP Asia is a platform linking IP owners, buyers and sellers, R&D professionals, finance and legal intermediaries, design and technology practitioners from all over the world to discuss the latest developments in the IP world, and to explore business collaboration opportunities.

The forum focuses on the trade aspects of IP, especially buy-sell, monetisation and licensing, through a special programme designed to connect IP players and help participants explore new business through networking and sharing sessions.

A Special Discount is now offered to all the referrals of Hong Kong Design Centre:
(Please register at the following links)
- HKD400 (inclusive of Keynote Luncheon) - http://bipasiaforum.com/en/hkdc400.html
- HKD100 (Forum only) - http://bipasiaforum.com/en/hkdc100.html
* Original registration fee: HKD800 (inclusive of Keynote Luncheon)

Business of IP Asia Forum
(BIP Asia) 2012

7 December 2012 (Friday)

09:00 – 17:00

Hall 3C, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Hong Kong Design Centre

Website: www.bipasiaforum.com

For enquiries on programme:
Tel: +852 2584 4480 (Ms Jessica Lee)
Email: jessica.lee@hktdc.org

For enquiries on participation:
Tel: +852 2584 4219 (Ms Danny Tam)
Email: danny.tn.tam@hktdc.org

For media enquiries:
Tel: +852 2584 4187 (Ms Karpio Au Young)
Email: karpio.kp.auyoung@hktdc.org